MIN 100 was nothing short of amazing! Our special 100th event was one of the largest to date, bringing over 600 people to the Museum of Science. Sponsored by Draper's Sembler office, MIN100 featured several space tech companies and 6 Innovation Nights alumni. To spark things up, the event started in the museum's Theater of Electricity. The lightning show was then followed by a fascinating presentation in the Cahners Theater from all of the companies as well as our experts from Draper, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Business Insurance & Benefits Services of MA, Proper Orange, the female speaker's bureau Innovation Women, and marketing firm Carlton PR and Marketing. The presentation was streamed on Facebook Live thanks to Brad Powell of Awesome Videomakers and can be found on our Mass Innovation Nights Facebook page. In addition to the interesting presentations, the stage was also brought to life with custom #MIN100 lights provided by Your Love In Lights. Our hashtag trended in Boston on twitter.
Here's Colin W. Barry's recap in VentureFizz. Check out our social media recap of the night on Storify! Stay tuned for videos from the event, captured by New View Media, to be posted on our Youtube channel in the near future.
Thank you for attending Mass Innovation Nights #100 at the Museum of Science! Check out the photos from the event on Flickr! If you would like to come to other unique Museum events, consider becoming an Innovator! Visit mos.org/innovators to find out what it means to be an Innovator at the Museum of Science!
Space tech companies:
Guardion- Ultra-Sensitive Charged Particle Detector
Accion Systems- A New Ion Engine for Small Satellites
Analytical Space- global satellite data relay service
Innovation Nights Alumni: